Mustaches for Kids – America

Mustaches for Kids America is what happens when absurdity meets philanthropy.  M4K is comprised of chapters in cities across North America of dudes who grow mustaches for 30 days to raise money for local children’s charities.

Sounds awesome right? Since 1999 we have raised over $16,000,000 for local children’s charities and, more importantly, looked damn good doing it.

Each chapter starts completely clean-shaven at the beginning of the month and then, as our mustaches grow, so do the hearts of our friends and families who donate to our mustaches to support a local charity.

Interested in starting an M4K chapter in your town?  Just email and we’ll get in touch with you on how to do so. Anybody can do it, and you’d be a daisy if you do.

Want to help support M4K America as we start chapters all over this great country of ours? Just click below and THANK YOU for making America sexier.

2024 Chapter Results

Omaha: $1,019,712

Richmond: $???????

Lynchburg: $??????

Orange County: $158,105

Wilmington: $?????

Twin Cities: $87,000

Long Island $???????

Blue Ridge $???????


2024 Grand Total: $????????

2023 Grand Total: $2,906,624

2023 National Leaderboard

1. Chris Boswell (LYN) – $40,782

2. Emmanual Hansen (RMD) – $40,545

3. Graham Lloyd (RMD) – $39,950

4. Cory Lesley (OMA) – $38,803

5. Tommy Johnstone (RMD) – $35,650

6. Brian Moore (OMA) – $30,993

7. John Waters (RMD) – $28,571

8. Steve Quattlebaum (RMD) – $28,145

9. Watt Foster (LYN) – $28,171

10. Doug Couron, (OMA) – $24,509

11. Jeff Hardy (OMA) – $24,220

About Us

One of us almost went to clown school and may as well with his career choice. The rest of us are here to help you succeed in your fundraising by growing a mustache.

Contact Us

Reach out to us via email or BookFace. We would love to hear from you and start you on your journey raising a ton of cash for a kids charity.


These are our chapters. There are many like it, but these are ours. Our chapters are our best friends. They are my life. I must help them as I must master my life.